2023 Impact factor 1.5
Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics

EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight - Quark Matter 2023 - 30th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

The first all in-person Quark Matter conference after the pandemic was a big success.

The 30th edition of the International Conference on Ultra-relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions, Quark Matter 2023, was held in Houston, Texas, on September 4-9, 2023.

It marked the return of a fully in-person conference ever since the pandemic necessitated many conference series, including Quark Matter, to resume online or in hybrid format. Nearly 700 participants from 28 countries, half of them graduate students and young scientists, contributed to a broad program highlighting recent results from theory and experiments conducted at a range of accelerator facilities. New opportunities from theoretical developments, experiment upgrades, and new experiments at existing or new facilities were discussed in more than 500 oral and poster presentations.


EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight - CHEP2023: Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics

CHEP 2023 group photo in Norfolk, VA.

The 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP), organized by Jefferson Lab, took place in Norfolk, Virginia, from 5–11 May 2023. The conference hosted roughly 600 registered participants from 28 different countries.

The CHEP conference series began in 1985 and has grown to become the largest of its kind, providing the unique opportunity for computing experts across particle and nuclear physics to come together and learn from each other.


EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight - WONDER-2023 - 6th International Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor applications

By combining experimental data (yellow boxes: example of experimental setup and apparatus) and theoretical calculations (red boxes: example of theoretical approaches), it becomes possible to perform an evaluation of nuclear data for several applications (middle: example of a nuclear reactor). Those evaluated nuclear data are collected in a regularly updated public international library such as JEFF (Joint Evaluated Fusion and Fission).

To describe the path of neutrons in the material but also the chain reactions that take place in a reactor and the changes in the composition of matter due to nuclear reactions, neutronics uses computer codes.

These codes have also acquired such a level of performance since the last two decades that the main source of uncertainty in neutronic calculations comes today from nuclear data.

In this context, the 6th edition of the International Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor applications (WONDER-2023), organized by the CEA-IRESNE and the Cadarache center, in collaboration with the NEA (Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD) and with the support of the “Aix-Marseille metropole”, was held in Aix-en-Provence (France), on June 2023.


EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight - mm Universe 2023 - Observing the Universe at mm Wavelengths

mm Universe 2023 conference held in Grenoble (France).

The mm Universe 2023 conference is the third edition in a series of biennial workshops. It is devoted to the observations of the sky at millimetre wavelengths, which has contributed to tremendous improvements in our understanding of a great variety of scientific topics ranging from the star formation in the Milky Way to the measurement of cosmological parameters.

The mm Universe 2023 conference held in Grenoble (France), from 26 to 30 June 2023, has been organized by LPSC (CNRS and Université Grenoble Alpes). With more than a hundred of attendees from 14 countries, it brought together the scientific community working on topics related to the mm Universe, spanning from stellar to cosmological scales.


EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight - MESON 2023 – 17th International Workshop on Meson Physics

MESON 2023 in Kraków, Poland.

The 17th International Workshop on Meson Physics-Meson 2023, took place in Kraków from 22nd to 27th June 2023.

The Meson conference series has a long standing tradition and is organised by the Institute of Physics of Jagiellonian University, GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, INFN-LNF Frascati and Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Science, in Kraków. It brings together experimentalists and theorists involved in studies of meson production, interactions, internal structure and meson properties in strongly interacting matter.


EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight - EOSAM 2023: European Optical Society Annual Meeting

EOSAM 2023 attracted over 500 attendees in Dijon, France 11-15 September.

EOS Annual Meeting, EOSAM 2023, brought together photonics experts. The European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM, took place in Dijon, France from 11th to 15th September 2023, organized by the European Optical Society and La Société Française d'Optique.

EOSAM is a major international scientific conference covering all aspects of optics and photonics. It is attended by over 500 attendees: top researchers, key leaders, students, and industry experts.

As an integral conference on photonics in Europe, EOSAM has always provided a valuable opportunity for presenting and discussing work, stimulating contact between colleagues, from young researchers to seasoned experts. EOSAM is where research meets industry and education.


EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight - ECNS 2023: European Conference on Neutron Scattering 2023

Neutron scientists at the ECNS2023 in Garching.

The 8th edition of the ECNS conference took place from 20th to 23rd of March 2023, at the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering and at the new Science Congress Center Munich, both located in the immediate vicinity of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) at Garching, Germany.

The conference brought together the community of neutron scientists from Europe, but also from America, Asia and Australia. Many new and exciting topics and developments stimulated lively scientific discussions in a vibrant and constructive atmosphere.


EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight - ESSENA11: 11th European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics

More than 70 participants from 15 countries attended ESSENA11, in Catania, in June 2022.

The European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics has run for more than 2 decades and brings together nuclear physicists and astrophysicists from major universities, laboratories and research facilities. It has been organized jointly by the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (Catania) and the Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “E. Majorana” of the Catania University.

It is an opportunity to present novel work across the full range of both theoretical and experimental activities covering all novel aspects ranging from cosmology to stellar physics as well as nuclear aspects, methods and instruments related to investigations of nuclear reactions important for nuclear astrophysics.


EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight - ConfXV: XVth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference

More than 230 participants from 31 countries attended ConfXV at the University of Stavanger in August 2022.

Emerging from the pandemic, it was a pleasure to host the 15th edition of the Quark Confinement and the Hadron spectrum conference as in-person event at the University of Stavanger in August 2022.

This conference series has become an important forum for scientists working on the strong nuclear interactions, stimulating exchange among theorists and experimentalists from various fields.


EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight – 10th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference on Solid-State, Fibre, and Waveguide Coherent Light Sources

More than 180 participants attended this year’s Europhoton conference in Hannover.

The 10th EPS-QEOD Europhoton conference took place in Hannover, from August 28th to September 2nd, 2022. Host was the Leibniz University and the Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD. The Volkswagen Foundation generously sponsored the event.

With great pleasure, the European laser and optics community came together again in one place after the long pandemic downtime and enjoyed the interaction in the beautiful Herrenhausen Palace. The meeting was intentionally not planned as a hybrid conference, and in fact, all 80 presentations took place on-site.


A. Beige, J. Burgdörfer and S. Ptasinska
It is always a pleasure to review for EPJD.

Miguel Ángel García-March

ISSN (Print Edition): 1434-6060
ISSN (Electronic Edition): 1434-6079

© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag