Aims and Scope
Atomic Physics
- Atomic Structures and Properties
- QED, Relativistic and Many-Body Calculations
- Atoms in External Fields
- Exotic Atoms
- Low and Highly Charged Ions
- Metrology and Fundamental Constants
- Experimental Tests of Fundamental Symmetries
- Matter-Antimatter Interactions
Molecular Physics and Chemical Physics
- Molecular Structure and Properties
- Molecular Spectroscopy
- Magnetic Resonance (NMR, EPR)
- Synchrotron and X-Rays Studies of Molecular Structure
- Molecules in External Fields
- Decay Processes
- Bio- and Macromolecules
Atomic and Molecular Collisions
- Collisions of Atoms, Ions and Molecules
- Photoionisation and Photofragmentation
- Molecular Interaction and Reactivity
- Electron/Positron Scattering with Atoms and Molecules
- Atomic Cluster Collisions
- Collision Processes Involving Bio-Macromolecules
- Dynamics of Systems on the Nanoscale
Clusters and Nanostructures
- Structure and Properties of Clusters
- Reactivity of Clusters
- Clusters and Nanostructures on Surfaces
- Fullerenes and Carbon Clusters
- Helium Droplets
- Nanoparticles, Nanohybrid Systems
- Metamaterials
Cold Matter and Quantum Gases
- Laser Cooling
- Atom and Ion Traps
- Atom and Molecule Optics and Interferometry
- Bose-Einstein Condensation
- Fermi Gas
- Quantum Fluids
- Cold Molecules
- Interactions and Reactions in Cold Traps
- Ultracold Plasmas
Plasma Physics
- Basic Plasma Phenomena and Gas Discharges
- Waves, Instabilities and Nonlinear Plasma Dynamics
- Magnetic and Inertial Plasma Confinement
- Plasma Applications: Surface Fabrication and Treatment, Biological, Environmental, Aerospace and Emerging Applications
- Plasma Diagnostics
- Plasma Physics in Ultra-high Fields
- Warm and Dense Matter
- Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas
- Microplasmas
- Complex Plasmas
Nonlinear Dynamics
- Theory and Models - Dynamical Instabilities
- Classical and Quantum Nonlinear Dynamics in Atoms, Molecules and Optics
- Pattern Formation and Spatial Solitons
Optical Phenomena and Photonics
- Light-Matter Interaction
- Physics of Lasers
- Nonlinear Optical Phenomena
- Propagation - Solitons
- Nanophotonics, Plasmonics
Quantum Optics
- Quantum Properties of Light
- Quantum Correlation and Entanglement
- Cavity QED
- Quantum Measurements
Quantum Information
- Quantum Information Processing and Computing
- Quantum Communications and Cryptography
- Quantum Memories
- Quantum Simulation
Ultraintense and Ultrashort Laser Fields
- Attosecond Pulses
- Multiphoton Ionisation
- Harmonics and X-Ray Generation
- Femtochemistry
- Plasma and Clusters in Ultraintense Laser Fields
- Particle Acceleration
- Filamentation
Article Categories
- Regular Articles
- Colloquia
- Topical Reviews
Colloquia describe the development of new areas of research or the impact of new and promising experimental or theoretical methods in the fields that are within the spectrum of topics covered by EPJD. While not as extensive and complete as reviews in the usual sense, they are intended to suitably introduce new research directions and techniques in their early stages of development, and to a wider audience. There is no explicit constraint regarding the length of such manuscripts, although 20 printed pages would be the most usual length. All invited/submitted manuscripts will undergo the same refereeing procedure as all other contributions submitted to the journal. For invited colloquium papers, authors will receive a honorarium of EUR 400,-- upon publication. Colloquium papers are generally solicited by the journal editors. Authors wishing to submit a colloquium paper are advised to contact the colloquia and reviews editors.
Topical Reviews provide a comprehensive and extensive summary of recent research results in a field that is within the spectrum of topics covered by EPJ D and are of current interest to a broader audience. A topical review should aim to summarize the pertinent experimental, theoretical, and computational results obtained by the key research groups working in the field in the past 10 years. Historical reviews of an entire sub-field of physics are discouraged. There is no explicit constraint regarding the length of such manuscripts, although 35 printed pages would be the most usual length. All invited/submitted manuscripts will undergo the same refereeing procedure as all other contributions submitted to the journal. For invited topical review papers, authors will receive a honorarium of EUR 400,-- upon publication. Topical review papers are generally solicited by the journal editors. Authors wishing to submit a topical review paper are advised to contact the colloquia and reviews editors.