2023 Impact factor 1.5
Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics

EPJ D broadens its scope in plasma physics

EPJ D broadens its scope in plasma physics by merging with the Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (CJoP) as of January 1st, 2007. CJoP is presently published by the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and distributed by Springer. Publishing in all areas of physics CJoP is particularly active in the field of plasma physics. To reflect this new emphasis in scope, EPJ D has recently changed its subtitle from "Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics" to "Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics". Acta Physica Hungarica B - Quantum Electronics is also merging.

EPJ D - European Commission's new Quantum Information Classification Scheme

EPJ D supports and endorses the European Commission's new Quantum Information Classification Scheme (QICS) which, in the field of quantum information sciences, both extends and complements the well-known PACS scheme. For accepted EPJ D articles relevant to the subject matter, the Editorial Office of EPJ D will kindly invite authors to provide appropriate QICS codes in addition to the usual PACS codes.

See also the Press Release.

A. Beige, J. Burgdörfer and S. Ptasinska
It is always a pleasure to review for EPJD.

Miguel Ángel García-March

ISSN (Print Edition): 1434-6060
ISSN (Electronic Edition): 1434-6079

© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag