Regular Article - Atomic Physics
Short laser pulse effects on spectral dynamics of encapsulated He, Ne, Ar atoms in fullerenes
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, 58140, Sivas, Turkey
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This work elucidates the effects of a short laser pulse on the excitation and ionization dynamics of an endofullerene system trapping He, Ne, and Ar atoms. The interactions of noble gas atoms are simulated within the framework of the Single Active Electron (SAE) approximation, and the encapsulation parameters are analyzed to illustrate the excitation and ionization dynamics. The endohedral confinement is modeled using the Woods–Saxon potential, which is a practical and advantageous model that aligns well with experimental data and considers static encapsulation. By considering different numerical values of the endohedral trapping parameters in simulating encapsulation, a detailed analysis on the depth of confinement, spherical shell thickness, the inner radius, and the smoothing parameters is performed to ferret out encapsulation effects in various forms. By determining the strength range and specific frequency values (and ranges) of the laser pulse, the work interprets how electron dynamics in endohedral fullerenes are shaped under laser pulses. All parameters and their respective ranges are crucial gains for optimizing system performance.
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