Regular Article – Optical Phenomena and Photonics
Dynamics of the Pearcey Gaussian beam in linear potential
College of Physics and Electronics Engineering, Shanxi University, 030006, Taiyuan, China
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The propagation properties of the Pearcey Gaussian beam based on the fractional Schrödinger equation with linear potential are investigated numerically. It was found that the Pearcey Gaussian beam produces a self-inversion phenomenon due to the effect of the Lévy index from 1 to 2, which is in the absence of the linear potential. The linear potential has a great impact on the transmission path of the Pearcey Gaussian beam from a straight line turn to a zigzag path, and the oscillation period is inversely proportional to the linear potential. Meanwhile, the symbol of the linear potential parameter controls the direction of the incident beam. Moreover, the chirp affects the Pearcey Gaussian beam with an uneven intensity distribution during transmission. These features confirm the promising applications of the Pearcey Gaussian beam in optical manipulation and optical switch.
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