New analysis of the Douglas-Herzberg system (A1Π- X1Σ+) in the CH+ ion radical
The A1Π- X1Σ+ system in the CH+
Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory, Institute of Physics, University of Rzeszów, 35-310 Rzeszów, Poland
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Three bands of the A1Π- X1Σ+ system in the 12CH+ ion radical have been rephotographed under high resolution as an emission spectra using a Geissler-type discharge tube. The conventional technique of spectroscopy has been implemented. Using the Th lines as a standards, as well as an interferometric comparator equipped with a photoelectric scanning device, the 0-0 , 0-1 and 2-1 bands have been reanalyzed. By means of much longer bands (Jmax = 17 in the Q(J) branch of the 0-0 band; Jmax = 16 in the R(J) branch of the 0-1 band; Jmax = 14 in the P(J) and Q(J) branches of the 2-1 band), than have been observed so far, as well as the merged calculations, using another five bands given by Carrington et al. [A. Carrington, D.A. Ramsay, Phys. Scripta 25, 272 (1982)] additionally, more accurate molecular constants for the X1Σ+ state, the improved reduced band system origin Te = 24118.726 (14) cm-1 as well as for the first time the equilibrium molecular constants with their one standard deviation for the A1Π state in the CH+ molecule have been computed: ωe'=1864.402(22), ωexe'=115.832(14), ωeye'= 2.6301(24), Be'=11.88677(72), αe'= 0.9163(18), γe'= -2.29(12)×10-2, εe'= 4.95(20)×10-3, De'=1.92960(31)×10-3, βe'= 1.0733(50)×10-4, δe'= -1.312(16)×10-5, , αqe'= -3.14(16)×10-3, and qDe'= -2.20(14)×10-5 cm-1. Only in our research the addition to the zero-point energy Y'00=-1.9430 cm-1 and cm-1 have been calculated. The equilibrium bond lengths of r'e=1.235053(37) Å and Å for the A1Π and X1Σ+ states, respectively have been computed. Full quantum-mechanics characteristic of the A-X bands system in the 12CH+ molecule, i.e. RKR turning points, the Franck-Condon factors and r-centroids have been obtained. Dissociation energies DeX1 Σ+=(38470± 3503) cm-1 and DeA1 Π= (14415 ±3509) cm-1 for the molecule under consideration have been estimated.
PACS: 33.20.Kf – Visible spectra
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2006