Regular Article - Atomic Physics
Hyperfine structure constants for neutral and singly ionized manganese using Fourier transform spectra
Key Laboratory of Physics and Technology for Advanced Batteries (Ministry of Education), College of Physics, Jilin University, 130012, Changchun, China
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We utilized the archival data recorded by the Fourier transform spectrometer at the USA National Solar Observatory to investigate the hyperfine structure (HFS) for neutral manganese (Mn I) and singly ionized manganese (Mn II) levels. HFS constants for 25 levels of Mn I between 24,779 cm−1 and 62,671 cm−1 and, those for 14 levels of Mn II between 38,366 cm−1 and 99,893 cm−1 were determined by analyzing 100 spectral lines, among which the results for 15 levels of Mn I and eight levels of Mn II are reported for the first time, to our best knowledge. This increases the total number of levels with experimental HFS constants to 182 for Mn I and 116 for Mn II. For two Mn I levels and one Mn II level, both magnetic dipole HFS constants A and electric quadrupole HFS constants B were obtained. For the other levels, only A constants were determined. The uncertainties of most of the HFS constants determined in this work are less than 10%.
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