Regular Article – Optical Phenomena and Photonics
Nonlinear optical properties of colloidal solutions of Ag2Se quantum dots passivated with 2-Mercaptopropionic acid in the field of 10 ns YAG:Nd3+ laser pulses
Voronezh State University, 394018, Voronezh, Russia
Published online:
The results of a study of the nonlinear optical properties of Ag2Se colloidal quantum dots (QDs) passivated with 2-mercaptopropionic acid (hereinafter Ag2Se/2-MPA) with an average size of 2.0–2.5 nm in the field of 10 ns YAG:Nd3+ laser pulses are presented. Using the Z-scan method in an open aperture design, it was found that the nonlinear absorption in Ag2Se/2-MPA colloidal QDs is due to reverse saturation absorption (RSA). In addition, Z-scanning in a closed-aperture scheme demonstrated nonlinear refraction, which manifested itself in the form of defocusing of the probing radiation. Dependences of the level of nonlinear absorption and refraction of laser pulses on the concentration of the Se precursor were discovered, which affects the crystallization conditions and the degree of nonstoichiometry of the formed nanocrystals, as well as the concentration of dangling bonds. The obtained patterns indicate the participation of localized states in the RSA process, and changes in the population of localized states determine the observed defocusing effect.
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