Regular Article - Quantum Optics
Influence of tunnelling-dependent cross-Kerr nonlinearity on photon drag using Sagnac interferometry
Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Research Group, Department of Physics, University of Malakand, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
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In a four-level quantum dot system connected with a Sagnac interferometer (Mach–Zehnder-type), photon drag (PD) under the influence of tunnelling-dependent cross-Kerr nonlinearity is explored. The PD, electric susceptibility, group index, group relativistic velocities are studied as functions of the tunnelling frequency. Additionally, in the presence of tunnelling-based Kerr effect in the system, improved positive group index and minimum group relativistic velocities are attained. Large drag angles are consequently observed in the system. The highest reached values for the group index are and . Likewise, the highest values for PD are reported as , and radians. The outcomes shown here will advance quantum information, image coding/design, and rotation sensing technology.
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