Regular Article – Optical Phenomena and Photonics
Image encryption algorithm based on optical chaos and elliptic curve
School of Communication Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 310018, Hangzhou, China
School of Cyberspace, Hangzhou Dianzi University, 310018, Hangzhou, China
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Due to the wide application of image information transmission technology, people have higher requirement for the security of image transmission. Aiming at the problem that the previous encryption scheme uses a single key to encrypt the image information, and the key leakage will directly lead to the theft of the image information, an image encryption scheme combining optical chaos and elliptic curve encryption algorithm is proposed. The external key input by the user and the hash function of the plaintext image jointly generate the control parameters required for image encryption and encrypt the plaintext image together with the optical chaotic sequence. The control parameters are encrypted by the public key of the elliptic curve encryption algorithm and transmitted to the receiver. Only by combining the decrypted control parameters with the optical chaotic sequence synchronized at the receiver to generate the decryption sequence of each stage, the image can be restored. When the optical chaotic sequence is generated, the binary sequence generated by the control parameters will be used to encrypt the optical chaotic sequence, so that the optical chaotic sequence can be double encrypted at the physical layer and the application layer, and it is difficult to decipher the physical parameters of the laser and improve the security of encryption. The experimental simulation results show that the key space of the encryption scheme is greater than 2100, the information entropy is close to the theoretical maximum value of 8, the Number of Pixels Change Rate, and the Unified Average Changing Intensity are close to the theoretical value of 99.6094% and 33.4635%, respectively. And it has good robustness to various typical attacks.
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