Regular Article – Atomic and Molecular Collisions
Effect of reactant’s rotational excitation on stereodynamic properties of C + SH(
) → H + CS reaction investigated with quasi-classical trajectory method
School of Science, Shandong Jiaotong University, 250357, Jinan, People’s Republic of China
School of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, 250358, Jinan, People’s Republic of China
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Rotational excitation of reactant is an important factor in chemical reaction dynamics. In this work, the quasi-classical trajectory method is applied to investigate the rotational excitation effects of collision reaction C + SH(v = 0, j = 0–40) → H + CS on potential energy surface of an excited electronic state A2A″ of HCS. The results suggest that rotational excitation effects of the total integral cross section are mainly observed in higher rotational states of j > 20. Rotational excitation of reactant can lead to ro-vibrational excitation of product. Moreover, rotational angular momentum vector of product is aligned along the direction at a right angle relative to the collision direction of reactants, but the alignment is not sensitive to rotational excitation of reactant. The distribution of P(ϕr) shows that the collision energy and rotational excitation of reactant have influence on the orientation of rotational angular momentum of product. In summary, rotational excitation of reactant obviously influences on scalar properties and stereodynamic properties of the reaction C + SH(v = 0, j = 0–40) → H + CS.
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