Regular Article
Breakdown of dipole approximation and its effect on high harmonic generation
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of
Technology, Guwahati, 781039
Received: 22 December 2011
Received in final form: 9 February 2012
Published online: 29 June 2012
Here, we present a study of high-harmonic-generation using the model system of polyacetylene when irradiated with intense laser-field. The system is prepared in a time-periodic Floquet-state. Only odd-order harmonics are obtained within dipole approximation due to the dynamical-symmetry of the Floquet-state. However, odd as well as even-order harmonics are obtained in case of beyond-dipole approximation. Dipole approximation is expected to be valid when the electron during oscillation is confined to a very small region compared to the wavelength of light. However, it is found that the dipole approximation breaks down even if the electron remains delocalised over a region less than 1 nm.
Key words: Ultraintense and Ultra-short Laser Fields
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica and Springer-Verlag 2012