A spectroscopic investigation of Y3Al5O12:Pr3+ in translucent ceramic form: Crystal field analysis assisted by configuration-interaction
Structures, Propriétés et Modélisation des Solides (UMR 8580 du CNRS) , École Centrale
Paris, 92295 Châtenay-Malabry Cedex, France
Science des Procédés Céramiques et de Traitements de Surfaces (UMR 6638 du CNRS) ,
Faculté des Sciences de Limoges, 123 avenue Albert Thomas, 87060 Limoges Cedex, France
THALES, Research & Technology, domaine de Corbeville, 91404 Orsay Cedex, France
Corresponding author: a
Published online: 15 June 2002
This paper presents an investigation of Pr3+ doped in the D2 site of Y3Al5O12 (YAG), for the first time on a translucent ceramic sample free of spurious phases, impurity or pair sites. The optical study is carried out by optical absorption, excitation, and emission by selective excitation into 1D2 and 3P0, at different temperatures between 20 K and 60 K, in the 4 300–23 000 cm-1 range. A detailed account of the line assignments is given. 67 over 91 levels of the 4f2 configuration are determined. Several crystal field calculations within the ground configuration 4f2 and the larger matrix are carried out. The energy level fit is slightly improved by configuration interaction. The 3P2 and 1I6 levels are strongly mixed together by the large 6th order crystal field parameters. In sintered samples with different Pr3+ concentrations, satellite lines with intensities increasing quadratically with the concentration are observed. A few weak lines forbidden in D2 site symmetry are observed.
PACS: 71.70.Ch – Crystal and ligand fields / 78.20.-e – Optical properties of bulk materials and thin films / 42.70.-a – Optical materials
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2002