Temperature dependent properties of metallic clusters containing magnetic impurities
Laboratoire de Physique Quantique (UMR 5626 du CNRS) ,
Université Paul Sabatier, 31062 Toulouse, France
Corresponding author: a
Published online: 15 September 2001
The properties of magnetic impurities in small metallic clusters are investigated in the framework of the Anderson model by using exact diagonalization methods. Parameters representative of the Kondo limit are considered. The spin gap shows a remarkable band-filling dependence that can be interpreted in terms of the cluster-specific conduction-electron spectrum. Finite-temperature properties such as the magnetic susceptibility and specific heat are calculated exactly in the canonical and grand canonical ensembles. The structural dependence is illustrated.
PACS: 73.22.-f – Electronic structure of nanoscale materials: clusters, nanoparticles, nanotubes, and nanocrystals / 75.20.Hr – Local moment in compounds and alloys; Kondo effect, valence fluctuations, heavy fermions / 71.27.+a – Strongly correlated electron systems; heavy fermions
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2001