Impact broadening and shift rates for the 6p2 3PJ' → 7s 3PJo transitions of lead induced by collisions with argon and helium
Institute of Physics, Universität Hohenheim, Garbenstrasse 30,
70599 Stuttgart, Germany
Institute of Spectrochemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (ISAS),
Bunsen-Kirchhoff-Strasse 11, 44139 Dortmund, Germany
Institute of Physics, Bijenicka 46, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Published online: 15 January 2000
The collisional broadening and shift rate coefficients of the 283.39 nm , 364.06 nm , 368.45 nm and 405.90 nm Pb lines by He and Ar have been measured by fitting the experimental absorption line shapes to theoretical Voigt profiles. The absorption measurements were performed in a resistively heated, Pb loaded oven with an integrated dc noble gas discharge to produce also Pb atoms in the and metastable states. The diffusion of the metastable atoms out of the discharge zone into the neutral noble-gas atmosphere enabled the line-shape and shift measurement of the lines involving the metastable states without the influence of the discharge plasma.
PACS: 32.70.Jz – Line shapes, widths, and shifts
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 2000