Periodic orbits of the hydrogen molecular ion
Department of Physics, Hunan Normal University, Hunan, 410081, China
Wuhan Institute of Physics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430071, China
Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Drexel University,
Philadelphia, PA19104, USA
Published online: 15 June 1999
Based on our previous work [Yiwu Duan, J.M. Yuan, C.G. Bao, Phys. Rev. A 52, 3497 (1995)], we study deeply the periodic orbits of the hydrogen molecular ion within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation (BOA). The Thiele-Burrau's transformation is introduced to regularize the singularities associated with the Coulomb potential terms and to transform the problem into a direct product of a pendulum and an anharmonic oscillator. This facilitates the analysis of the bifurcation properties of the periodic orbits. Some more details are also given about the calculation of the semiclassical density-of-state distribution using the Berry-Tabor formula.
PACS: 03.65.Sq – Semiclassical theories and applications / 31.10.+z – Theory of electronic structure, electronic transitions, and chemical binding
© EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag, 1999